04 August, 2010

Shock Update

Firstly, patch news....

A Willow Warbler was a pleasant visitor out the back this morning - they used to breed up the Hill, way back - this was a nice yellowy one, evidently stopping off on its way back south. Also, a count of no less than 9 juvenile House Sparrows, lined up along next-door's washing line being waited on by their Mum [she of the white right GC2 who's been breeding here for three years now]. :)

Yesterday saw more gull-bashing, with various dodgy-looking Herrings, 3 moulting Black 'eads, and a brief adult Geeb the result. I suppose I ought to make a collection of dodgy Herrings, and if I had a digital camera and about 10,000 years I might be tempted.... ;)

Right then...

Today has proved very shocking... You don't expect a phone call a week after a polite rejection letter, asking you to come over for a chat the same day, still less that you'd end up with a "Can you start tomorrow?" Brilliant!

::Grins:: Just watch those fronts come piling in on the weekdays now........
[[Yup, always look on the bright side!]]

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