06 September, 2011

Mutter Mutter Mutter...

Yeah, more moaning [just skip the next paragraph...]

So I'm back on days and what happens? Couldn't have been a bit sooner, could it? Dratted weather...


Sooooooo.... On Sunday we had a Family Day Out [or perhaps Afternoon Out, with the Sisters' idea of an early start...]. We ended up at yarner, where it had the teeniest of rains at us but was mostly fair if windy. We covered a lot of ground, had a very nice picnic [rolls by one Sister, chocolate and raspberry brownies by t'other, with a very nice ginger and apple drink of some sort to wash it all down] and were, er, serenaded by of all things a juvenile Hobby! Noisy little one; it kept flying past calling, even landed in a nearby tree while we were eating. :D

I think Someone Up There has been reading this and grinning, as then yesterday at work, what should fly over while I was having lunch? Yup, another Hobby! Ye Gods and Little Fishes, this is getting silly....

Oh yes, and finally... New format for Patch Year List. As my elders and betters have correctly realised, for comparative purposes between different Patches, a percentage is a much better way of doing things, so here you go;


[*Rounded to nearest whole number]

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