20 September, 2011

Still Here

Just about. Apologies for the absence, but well, it's not been a great week or so. I have alas fallen into a bit of a funk and until I climb out there won't be a lot to talk about.

Not nothing, mind...

I have also been holding off in the hope of avoiding venting the wrath that's been raging within me upon your poor suffering and [I sincerely hope] innocent eyes. Yeah, the Goshawks and Buzzard. So many rants have been swirling through my head, but I think I've calmed down enough now. Well, almost; Until the punishment is an actual deterrent*, this is why I don't talk about raptors that even might breed.

[[*Actual hard prison for the perpetrator, plus a fine that will hurt the one who gave the order - say £100,000 a bird. Oh, and all parties banned from keeping any animal for life. That ought to do it, don't you think?]]


Anyway... I'd been thinking about Pendeen on the weekend, but after an 'interesting' week at work I needed sleep more, and Sunday didn't look that promising [goes to show how much I know...] with sunshine forecast.. So I hit the Patch both days and just to rub it in I dropped something. Light passage of Swallows following the coast all saturday, I'm at the Nose when I notice one isn't a Swallow. I wait for it to emerge from behind a couple of trees and get on it - a Swift of some sort - a big one? - clearly demarcated white throat! - gone into the sun and lost... Probably an Alpine, but from what I got on it [and oh it was a frustrating view, catching the sun on its body in the split second I had a clear look....] I couldn't rule out W-T N...... $&%™@Æ◊¿fi§!!!!!*

[[[*Ancient Devonian Swear-words, which I'm not allowed to translate.]]]

Sometimes things just line up to kick you. I'm hoping this is going to pass soon and I'll be back to my usual effervescent self, but I may have to resort to Drastic Measures [There's a bottle of Uigeadail, you see...]. Until then, if you happen to cross paths with me and I've got a harmonica in my hand, just run.

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