08 April, 2014

No News Is..Well, Not Really Good News, Now Is It?

Despite being busy with assorted Stuff and commitments, I managed to get back to the Nose again last weekend. Unsurprisingly, no sign of any singing stripy-headed things - you may have guessed this by the way the previous post remains unedited - though the weather hasn't been exactly ideal for them.

I did steal a quick half hour to look at the sea on Sunday morning - even taking the li'l scope and dinky tripod along - but really I was wasting my time. I saw three Kittiwakes [a 1w being the Best Bird...], 6 Fulmars, 19 Guilles, and 3 Razorbills pass. There were at least 164 Guilles on the Ore Stone, but the [near ideal*] conditions and lack of Big Scope meant this was an undercount. A half dozen calling and moving Chiffchaffs in the bushes were the only migrants, and not even a GND - let alone the Tystie - visible on the sea.

Oh well, as The Boss says; it doesn't matter how good the weather is if the birds aren't there.

As it happens, there were a few good birds about [MB and GBSD were on site], but I managed to miss them. Drat.

Right then, expect my next update when you see it, I'm afraid..

[[*SSW blowing sideways drizzle and gunk, Ore Stone coming in and out of the muck, but bright ambient light picking out the birds nicely. If it does this in 'proper' seawatching season, I'll be quids in, oh yes..]]

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