19 June, 2012

I'd Like To Apologise..

You may not appreciate this one much..

What can I say?

After all the fun of Saturday, Sunday saw the Traditional Family Picnic Type Thing. The weather behaved [I admit it, I'm shocked], though a flock of sheep made sure Tilbury Dog was.. well, she calmed down eventually. I should hasten to add this was inside the compound at Fernworthy, where sheep are not supposed to be, but life's full of little surprises. ;)

It was a good day, star of the catering was again taken by Sister, who baked these hazelnut and  chocolate biscuits, coated in melted icing sugar. Very impressive. Fernworthy was very green [Sister hadn't been before and even she, townie that she is, liked it], the rain having been good for it. Willow Warblers and Tree Pipits were quite confiding, though we were surrounded by Chaffinches - who tried a The Birds routine to get us to leave them a few biscuits..!

I was far too lazy on Monday - week off work [again!] - getting out only to wander about Yarner with the Folks. Also very very greeeen. We saw Pied Flys where I've not seen them before, but again no Lesser Pecker.

Right, you thought that was bad? Today today...

I went out looking for species protected by law. The scum-sucking snotling fondlers that make said laws necessary are the reason for all the redaction you're about to be treated to.

So, I was after redacted and censored, the latter being unseen by me for, what, two years now? Far too long. Gorgeous things, too. The weather seemed reasonable, so off I toddled to my first site of hopefulness - I'm not telling. To cut a not very long story even shorter I dipped horribly, evidently the recent weather's to blame as I saw frick all in the way of also censored due to context. I did however meet something I didn't expect, when I stumbled on another protected species, namely a slender-billed curlew. I'm kidding! !! Did not expect that, but as it's theoretically possible to be needed to not be talked about, I'm not taking chances.

Onwards onwards to somewhere else, where my first target was also a possibility, but where I also dipped it. Drat. Naming birds is a bit problematic due to context, but I did see some nice things I can talk about - Emperor Dragonflies for the first time this year, one of which even slowed down enough for me to try a photo.. Just wait and I'll inflict the blur on you. I then found another thing I can't mention, a stonking five-eyed five horned flying purple people eater. Great views, too. I was very chuffed to see one away from again the context, sorry. Finally, after lots of wandering around in the blasting sunshine I scored what I'd been hoping for, brief but close, come on, you think I'd tell? Then as if by magic I got another and another.. JOY. :D

So, only one of my two targets, but two bonuses, one of which [the you still checking these?!?, of course] was the kind of context again that you just have to wait until you get lucky for, really. I suppose there are places to have a chance of going for them, but not close and not with reasonable chances of more context without resorting to immoral methods. So I'm a very happy bunny.

Don't you just love censorship?

Made you look! Yeah, so mature....

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