23 February, 2015


Sunday. Not a lot to report as I stayed in.

Why was I here and not freezing my ar merrily seawatching at the Nose? [You never know what might go by, after all]

Came down with the lurgy.


Saturday I was mostly working, with a quick zip up to the Becka in the afternoon in search of Dippers. I didn't find any, just lots of dogs. The two things may be related.  Oh, and I also met some nice sharp showers, with added snow and/or hail. Despite my vexation, it was a pleasant little stroll, and there were catkins.


I felt fine then, but come the evening..

I suppose I should have done the proper hard core birder thing and gone anyway. [Pneumonia, pah!] Maybe I'm just getting old...

Anyways, I consoled myself by making cupcakes*. I was very good and waited until I got in from work today** before I had one. Verdict? Not bad.

Finally, another drat, but this one was very different! The YBW has shown up again, or rather called up again. The little git started 'sweet!'ing outside my frickin' kitchen window and did so from cover dense enough to avoid showing even a trace of movement. I went barrelling out after it, but of course it had moved on.
At least I know it's wintering ok. Hey, maybe its great great grandkid will pay my trees a visit [possibly even when I'm watching]. I can but dream.

[[*Coffee with a twist.]]
[[*If you can walk - or at least drive safely - you can work.]]

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