14 October, 2019

That Which Was Lost

Ok, after delays due to chasing birds after the delays due to hardware issues, let us get back on with it sort of where I left off;
[You remember, I had been seawatching at the Nose and seen lots of skuas and photographed a few of them..? Yes? Right]

Red Admirals still about in numbers

Not too bad a start. Now, do I inflict the assorted horrible attempts at skuas and even Balearics I tried on the day?

Arctic Skua

Ok, that one wasn't too horrible.

You can see what it is

Well, you can see something

Probably not a mark on the lens

To sp. from this, right?

With a Gannet for scale

Yet another

These are all different individuals, by the way.

That one's a light morph!

Intermediate morph
Skua on the deck!

It is, of course, a Bonxie! [I bet that Gannet went ".....aaaaargh!" very very quietly to itself..!]

Right, and now for that other staple;

Gulls on the Lead Stone

Can you see the one I was looking at? Surprisingly well camouflaged.

Some gulls came a bit closer

Aiming at a Balearic, I caught this

1cy Gannet in lovely pose. Imagine this with some more range and light so you can't see that bill well....

Spot the Turnstone

Right, I think that'll do.

Oh, you really missed this, didn't you [yeah, for the whole week I was offline..!!]

Anyways, I probably forgot to add some more close up [ish] Bonxie pics - I took a load of them - but nm.

Coming up, mostly mundanities about the Patch, a couple of not very good pictures of a very pretty bird, and the inevitable Schnooted One.

It makes sense in my head.

Be Seeing You...

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