20 August, 2024

::Whistles nonchalantly::

Still waiting.

I've been seawatching when I can and horribly missing that fracking heron when I can't.

This included after work yesterday, when a reluctantly-enforced 'just one hour' at the Nose saw 625 Manxies, 2 Balearics, 10 assorted skuas, and various others coming by.. 😁 and indeed foraging not far to the NE

4 Common and 4 Green Sand, plus 2 LRP and 12+ Snipe were on Exminster and a Hobby overhead during my latest failure to photo that heron. 3 juv Knot and a Whimbrel were where the Little Stint and Curlew Sand weren't at DW the day before. Though a glorious BTD was increasingly close offshore and the Wasp Spiders were wonderful [Cheers Lee!]

Week earlier I got down to Prawle for two wonderful hours of big shears and storm petrels followed by four hours of fog [it was clear as close as Slapton.... 😕] and another watch at the Nose was a matter of fog coming and going and coming and going and comi-  yeah.

Also, Here there have been bats. Mostly Common Pipistrelle.
Perseids were almost as disappointing as the latest aurora [I saw, but I wasn't impressed]

And google still suck.

Be Seeing You...

07 August, 2024

Still Twiddling Virtual Thumbs

Well, recently I have been trying to get a photo of a Purple Heron, in order to add at least a vague hint of credibility [or at least reduce the deniability] of my Devon Yearlist. 
I have failed repeatedly, but that's hardly a shock. Even seeing one of those reed-lurkers is more Favour of the Goddess than anything else.
Getting photos of birds generally is rarely easy - or possible; for example at a workplace where Camera = The Sack - but it is nice to try, if only to give you something else to look at than my ravings.

Thus my vexation at google, demanding access to my system to upload anything. They don't need it, they're just in a paddy because I have a browser set to 'Feck off and be happy with the money you already make off of me'.

I am putting a few pictures up Over There, but Elon's happy land of Utter Freedom To Do Anything...ANYTHIIIIING!  isn't exactly the place to blog.

And my lovely [no really, I've got some good ones] moth pics have gone down like the proverbial base metal dirigible. .


Which is just... What?!? I mean, how much effort is a Like? One little click. What does it cost you? NOTHING. Less than a calory of effort, and no effect on the algorithm [not that you should care if you annoy mr m] that controls your feed IF you let it...

But it's a fee world, so hey. It's not like I do it for Likes. They're just an addictive form of self-validation....


But at least the heat's finally broken.

Bright side, eh?

Be Seeing You...