20 August, 2024

::Whistles nonchalantly::

Still waiting.

I've been seawatching when I can and horribly missing that fracking heron when I can't.

This included after work yesterday, when a reluctantly-enforced 'just one hour' at the Nose saw 625 Manxies, 2 Balearics, 10 assorted skuas, and various others coming by.. 😁 and indeed foraging not far to the NE

4 Common and 4 Green Sand, plus 2 LRP and 12+ Snipe were on Exminster and a Hobby overhead during my latest failure to photo that heron. 3 juv Knot and a Whimbrel were where the Little Stint and Curlew Sand weren't at DW the day before. Though a glorious BTD was increasingly close offshore and the Wasp Spiders were wonderful [Cheers Lee!]

Week earlier I got down to Prawle for two wonderful hours of big shears and storm petrels followed by four hours of fog [it was clear as close as Slapton.... 😕] and another watch at the Nose was a matter of fog coming and going and coming and going and comi-  yeah.

Also, Here there have been bats. Mostly Common Pipistrelle.
Perseids were almost as disappointing as the latest aurora [I saw, but I wasn't impressed]

And google still suck.

Be Seeing You...

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