30 January, 2025

Right Then.

Where were we? Oh yes, I'd been to Broadsands and gotten rained on, foiling hopes for a nice Sibe Chiff to add to not seeing the Red-necked Grebe...

But I had seen one or two nice things, though miiiiiiiiles away, naturally.

Anyways, the story continues;

Being on Nights, the next weekend started on Friday, and I was after Red-necked revenge.

The weather was not helping, but I wasn't letting that stop me. I nailed the RNG from Slapton Bridge, then advanced to the corner of Ireland Bay, where I got an awful photo of a rapidly-fleeing grebe and better ones of two of the three Goldeneye visible.

I didn't hang around; job done and I had other fish eyeing the pan worriedly....

Beesands Ley and the long-returning Ring-necked Duck saw me coming and fled for the SE corner. Too late.

While he cowered, I counted Tufties [33] and Gadwall [13] and had a bite of lunch in the warm and dry. I like hides.

Then I went out into the blast and did some seawatching [sanity? Not here, dears]. I was rewarded with 2 Razorbill heading north.   Oh well.

Strete Gate was hit, but in all three locations, no GWE were to be seen, let alone Bittern. Drat. Wind not helping, though.

Now what? 
Well, the Scaup eventually showed for about 10 seconds at Bowling Green, and I hit him [he's looking much Scaupier, now]. Also 1 lurking Snipe and a large group of possibly not quite so plastic as usual Greylags. And tons of the usuals.
[Yes, Topsham from Slapton. C'mon, it's hardly Shetland from Scilly, is it?]

Next day was far less well-travelled, with the Patch stayed on. There were 15 Purple Sands on the Real Living Coast, with GND and RTD offshore, but not a single grebe to be seen.?!?

Sunday saw a concerted effort to find Isbis on Exminster. I started at Countess Wear and headed down to Turf. Did I find it? Did I f-CENSORED BY GOOGLE-ll did I find it....


Isbises are surprisingly small birds and can vanish in a fold in the ground, never mind behind rushes or into channels, and Exminster has vast arrays of all three. Bugger.

I did spawn onto a passing Great White Egret; flying south parallel to the railway line between M5 and Lion's Gate. So that was good. Also got a few other yearticks including a halfway ok Marsh Harrier photo. Down at the viewing platform, no sign of male GW Teal, but a possible female - on the way back in the gloom, and hiding her rear end, but the front I could see looked interesting - was lurking close enough for a bad pic. Nobody else has mentioned, but then again, who looks for females? Or would try to claim one not in the hand?

Yeah, exactly.

On my way home it was dark enough to try for Woodcock at a classified [sorry] Woodcock site, but the clouds which had so darkened my Isbis hunt melted away and the fullish Moon blasted away. I got nothing...
Bugger again.

And we come to the Great Booted Eagle Hunt.

Ah yes.

Sleep is for sane people, said I as I went from a Night shift to the side of A30, not quite as far as Marazion. I missed the eagle by 15 mins..

After getting brassed off at assorted Buzzards and the Bootie not returning, I decided to go after it. As "It went North reallllly high", I went north to find something reallllly high.
Trencrom Hillfort is a petite but spectacularly-viewed place, and lugging a scope up the straight way was enough of an effort to burn off the vexation. A bit. Nine Ravens were a good omen, I decided.
Even more Buzzards ensued while I had some lunch in the gentle breeze.

Heading back, I missed the eagle by 5 minutes.

I didn't give up. I was resolved to wait until dark if I had to.

I needed only until 1355. The Booted Eagle appeared off to the East, cruised at rooftop level over a farm, and navished into 'its' Pines. It didn't show again.

But I got a photo!

And I got home without incident.


Little happened next day [I may have slept until the afternoon], but he day after I was out again.

Bramblings, Green Sands, and Eiders were visible but not helpful.

When I found the Ring-necked Parakeets waaaay up Maer Lane [of course I walked, it's not that far], they were more willing to be photo'd. Not super helpful, but you can see what they are without any eyes of faith.
I couldn't find the YBWarbler, but wasn't really expecting to.

Things weren't going too badly, so I tried Exminster again for GWT.


I tried for Woodock again.


::Bangs head against wall::

Monday afternoon and another trip to Exminster led once again to no GWT.


Anyways, getting closer, and next time we will have Storms, Seawatches, and Superb Views!

[And not just of Blue Tits]

Be Seeing You...

27 January, 2025

Technical Issues.

Minor technical issues are currently preventing Backward Birding from updating.

Namely me.

[[Ok, gaggle are being irritating, too. Yes, I am me. Stop claiming I'm not to try to get more data out of me to sell, FFS]]

I will get to it - the blog that is, gaggle... ach, they can:CENSORED - [as in; get to this interface when I'm able to actually do something productive with it..]

Be Seeing You...

18 January, 2025

Getting On With It.

So, 2025.

Getting on with it.

The year did not start with weather conducive to a Glorious First [bugger], so I did some seawatching instead.

Three hours at Glonk Corner gave 384 Gannets, 138 mostly Razorbills, 150 Kittiwakes, 19 Fulmar, 4 GND, 2 RTD, 2 LBB, 10 Com Gull, 2 BHG, 6 Curlew, and ~8 Purple Sand

The Teacher, at the traditional spot, had much of the same, though he missed the Curlew. In compensation, he had a light morph Pom Skua, which - despite much communication - I could not see. It was like the thing was frickin' invisible...


Another day, another dip as I used time before work [oh yes, the 2nd...] to try for an actual picture of the Budleigh Salterton SnoB. I totally forgot he was now using the LORP itself and so failed. Bugger.

Another day, a trip out onto t'Moor with the Folks and it was two for one on 'orrible dogs. A full set of winter thrushes were seen, though none close for some reason. ::Shrugs::

With the weekend, it was time for Revenge, with a capital 'oh frack the east wind is cold'.

But with better gen and the favour of the Goddess of Birding, I found and photo'd the Snow Bunting. Then I went looking for a reported Velvet Scoter, finding out there was a reported Slav Grebe, too.

I did not drive over, as it was barely two miles and I'd already paid for parking. Walking is good for you, good for the environment, and you never know what you might see and hear that even a bicycle can hide. Like the Bullfinches in a hedge, the Water Rail in a reedbed, to name two. Yes, lugging artillery is hard, but we are required to make sacrifices in Her name if we want to see nice things. It's how it works.

The Goddess smiled and the Hare was beautiful.


The Velvet Scoter was with a nice RTD. I was soon joined by a couple of Devon's Finest and we eventually found a GCG. No sign of a Slav, though. Oh well.

I took the coastal route back, and found Guillemots, Razorbills, Common Scoter.. But still no Slav.

Next day, back to the Nose, where 40 mins gave 33 Gannets, 3 Razorbill, and 2 Fulmar before The Teacher called me over to Hope Cove, where a very smart BTD was with the GNDs. Lots of GNDs were about, my final total was 24 [13 offshore {9 near Ore Stone and 4 inside Lead Stone}, 7 in Hope Cove, 4 north of Black Head] . Also at least 2 Harbour Porpoise close to Black Head.

Before work Monday pm I tried Broadsands for the reported RNG. No dice on that but totals of 14 GND, 1 BTD, 2 RTD, 13 GCG, 18+ Guille, 7+ Raz, a roosting flock of 153 Common Gull, and the Scoter flock with friend [~26] still way out towards the Nose.
Rain arrived before I had the chance to see if the Sibe Chiff was still about. I gave the marsh a go anyways but zip.  Drat.

Thus is summarised week one of the year. I will post about the next two directly.

Be Seeing You...

13 January, 2025

New Year Same Nonsense

And it's not even two weeks into the year before he gets something about it out, and that's just a brief 'Er, yeah, I'm getting to it' post?!?

What will you do?

I am intending to be more up to date and practical with this, and sort of link in with Over There, but when it will actually happen it one of life's little mysteries.

And I can't even give you pretty pictures to be going on with.
Except Over There of course.

An overview, at least;

I am not chasing a yearlist this year whilst still chasing yearticks a bit, sort of.
How long not chasing a yearlist will last is debatable, though the way things are going with missing stuff...

I think 'going after yearticks whilst not seriously chasing a record' is probably the best definition.
Looking for yearticks is a great way to get out birding and go to places you wouldn't normally, leading to better birding experiences.

I think I may have said that a time or seven?

Anyways, the weather forced an abandoment of a Glorious First [bugger] and while I did some seawatching instead, there were visibility issues.
I'll get to that.

I will find some time and write something. Yes, I could have written something useful in the time it took to write this, but you're not expecting sense now, are you?

Come on.

Be Seeing You...

11 January, 2025

Watching The Sea, A Post Of Last Year. Slightly Delayed.

Once upon a time, I was able to freely upload images to my blog. Then google [who bought blogger] decided that they wanted to make more money from me. Not being content with using this blog to train AIs [theirs and anyone wo'll pay them], using the metadata of it and all who look at it for everything they can get paid for [it's a lot], profiting from the IP, and I'm sure a whole lot of other things too. They wanted to put permanent software on my system; to monitor everything I do online [and likely also off], and I am not going to allow that. I erase cookies as fast as they are uploaded as a matter of principle; maybe I could erase these, but maybe not. It is that I don't trust them. It is that I know they are evil. [Definition; putting your wellbeing above and to the exclusion of others']
They do not seem to be backing down over this - as they have in the past - so I am going to put this, the partially-written post where it hit, up.
If you go to bluesky [I'm Backward Birder], you will see a pair of butterflies [er, when I find the images]
I am going to keep blogging, but it's write-only from now on. Here you'll get more talking, and numbers from seawatching, and boring things like that. Images on Bluesky [as they are still free to view, unlike twitter], though not as many as you'd have had on here.
Blame the bastards.
 Ok, to get on with it:
Not a great deal done over that weekend, oh so many many months ago, but I got to the Nose for a couple of seawatches, in perhaps not ideal conditions, but you take what work and weather allow.
In a shameless attack of clickbaiting, I am starting with a photo which I took after my second watch [and might tell you a thing or two about how this is going to go..] but I'm quite happy with it as a) the subject was a right git to get a shot of and b) it's the first one of the year I've seen.
Small Skipper.
I didn't see a single one of these at the Nose last year, so it's good to know they at least haven't been wiped out. Unlike Whitethroats [thank you tcct, thank you so much for that].

And as a nice comparison, a Large Skipper was nearby,


Getting back to it, two not enormously long seawatches in not exactly ideal conditions, but not awful, and it is THAT time of year, after all.

A 'few' pictures..

Rain, yes.
Wind, not so much.

I got rather soggy. I almost got a good shear, but it got into the gunge just in time.

Best seabirds in pixels;

Guillemots and Kittiwakes in the
Ore Stone channel

Fulmar [R], Gannet [L], and
3 Common Scoter photobombing!

I did get 7 Balearics and 12 Manxies, but very little else aside from a wader sp. which stayed head-on then vanished. Bugger.

But you keep trying [once you've dried out, anyway]

Sunday seemed to promise more wind and lots of nice chunky showers in a little sunshine...

Ho ho frickin' ho.


Yes, I went over despite all the sunshine.

Give it an hour, maybe two if there's birds.

Ten minutes in, I'm tracking a diver through that glare there, and well right of the Ore Stone I can finally see that it's a GND in full s/pl, very distant but something!

Then, the weather does this,

Exmouth getting

Me getting what-for!

Oh, and a Grey Seal,
possibly wondering where the
surface is...?

I had the big bumbleshoot with me. This was a VERY GOOD THING.

And here we end.  What else I was planning to say, I can't remember. 
What I will say now is very simple;

Try DuckDuckGo. Is Yahoo still a thing? Or Bing?

Just not those greedy bastards.


Be Seeing You...