18 January, 2025

Getting On With It.

So, 2025.

Getting on with it.

The year did not start with weather conducive to a Glorious First [bugger], so I did some seawatching instead.

Three hours at Glonk Corner gave 384 Gannets, 138 mostly Razorbills, 150 Kittiwakes, 19 Fulmar, 4 GND, 2 RTD, 2 LBB, 10 Com Gull, 2 BHG, 6 Curlew, and ~8 Purple Sand

The Teacher, at the traditional spot, had much of the same, though he missed the Curlew. In compensation, he had a light morph Pom Skua, which - despite much communication - I could not see. It was like the thing was frickin' invisible...


Another day, another dip as I used time before work [oh yes, the 2nd...] to try for an actual picture of the Budleigh Salterton SnoB. I totally forgot he was now using the LORP itself and so failed. Bugger.

Another day, a trip out onto t'Moor with the Folks and it was two for one on 'orrible dogs. A full set of winter thrushes were seen, though none close for some reason. ::Shrugs::

With the weekend, it was time for Revenge, with a capital 'oh frack the east wind is cold'.

But with better gen and the favour of the Goddess of Birding, I found and photo'd the Snow Bunting. Then I went looking for a reported Velvet Scoter, finding out there was a reported Slav Grebe, too.

I did not drive over, as it was barely two miles and I'd already paid for parking. Walking is good for you, good for the environment, and you never know what you might see and hear that even a bicycle can hide. Like the Bullfinches in a hedge, the Water Rail in a reedbed, to name two. Yes, lugging artillery is hard, but we are required to make sacrifices in Her name if we want to see nice things. It's how it works.

The Goddess smiled and the Hare was beautiful.


The Velvet Scoter was with a nice RTD. I was soon joined by a couple of Devon's Finest and we eventually found a GCG. No sign of a Slav, though. Oh well.

I took the coastal route back, and found Guillemots, Razorbills, Common Scoter.. But still no Slav.

Next day, back to the Nose, where 40 mins gave 33 Gannets, 3 Razorbill, and 2 Fulmar before The Teacher called me over to Hope Cove, where a very smart BTD was with the GNDs. Lots of GNDs were about, my final total was 24 [13 offshore {9 near Ore Stone and 4 inside Lead Stone}, 7 in Hope Cove, 4 north of Black Head] . Also at least 2 Harbour Porpoise close to Black Head.

Before work Monday pm I tried Broadsands for the reported RNG. No dice on that but totals of 14 GND, 1 BTD, 2 RTD, 13 GCG, 18+ Guille, 7+ Raz, a roosting flock of 153 Common Gull, and the Scoter flock with friend [~26] still way out towards the Nose.
Rain arrived before I had the chance to see if the Sibe Chiff was still about. I gave the marsh a go anyways but zip.  Drat.

Thus is summarised week one of the year. I will post about the next two directly.

Be Seeing You...

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