01 January, 2017

The Glorious First

A New Year, a fresh start, and an old challenge.

More than once I've attempted The Ton. Namely seeing 100 species in one day and that one day being 1st January* It is easier typed than done, and in the past I've come close - my best being the 93 two years ago - when only vile weather** stopped me by making all the birdies hide. Guess what the weather was like today?

Yup, utter shite.

Didn't stop me.

And folks, I frickin' did it!!!

It was a bloody close-run thing, though. I ended up at the Nose at well past sundown, hoping and praying that I'd get lucky, and.. fate in falcon form came through for me.

[As it happens, I needn't have panicked quite so badly, but I didn't know that then..]

It would have been fine if the weather had been as forecast. It would have been fine if there had been ANYTHING on the sea in the way of Velvets or BN Grebes the southern half of the bay [or the northern half...] [There was in fact nothing..] It would have been fine if my neighbours hadn't let off at least a ton of fireworks and frightened all the owls silent...

But as it happens it was fine and I got there. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Here be a few piccies from a few sites;

"And this is how you pick crumbs from cracks.."

Lots of Dunlin in The Bight

"Peg iiiiiit!"

Slavs off Cockwood

Shoveler loses keys at Bowling Green

Trans: There they are



It should be called The Avocetwalk

One of these ducks is not like the others
One of these ducks just isn't the same...

I'd like to say a big thank you to all those who gave me gen and no small measure of moral support in my soggy odyssey, I appreciated it all! :D [Yes, even from the Four Stooges - back down again on their annual trip.. ;) ]

I am not, I must point out, chasing a yearlist. No matter that I'm so well up. It's not happening. Been there, done that. It was fun, but ye Gods and Little Fishies it was grief... I've hit my target for the year, now on its just birding for fun.

And maybe the odd Tick....

Be Seeing You..

[[*I have seen 100+ on other days, but 1/1 is special.]]
[[**Wasting time dipping Penduline Tits didn't help, either..]]

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