13 October, 2012

Proper Twitchin' Like

You know, where you travel to some dump in the back of beyond go a long way at great a safe and legal speed, wade through mud, then stand around for a while with a group of crazy fools like-minded fellows, waiting for a daft bird that flew the wrong way on migration some wonderful vagrant to appear. Said bird makes you wait for a while, because you need time to worry if you're the poor sod who was 30 seconds too late for it's last showing and because if it's just there you won't appreciate it as much. Then it does appear and tarts around at close range for ages, even staying still for seconds at a time, in great light and where you're not in the wind, the rain, the road, or something nasty and knee-deep....

Thus it was today on the Lizard!, with that wonderful Paddyfield Warbler. It's so close! Yes, it made me wait for half an hour, but then it showed for a full one! Did I mention how close it was? Munching flies [when it didn't miss], preening and just sitting there in the sunshine... Wonderful wonderful bird, I'm so glad I didn't go to Pagham... ;)

I'm a happy chappy.

I even tried photography, and here for your suffering and woe are a couple of my efforts!
[[Run, run while you can...]]

First up, the Traditional Twitch Shot. 
[That little light brown blob everyone is looking at is indeed the bird.]

Secondly, the Best One I Got. 
Yes, the little git decided to start preening as I was pressing the button...

That was the third attempt, after which I realised that no matter how quickly I got on it, focussed and set up, it would still move the second the shutter clicked. You can see it's a little brown warbler, at least...

Then there was the shrike.  :D
Closest one ever. Again performing like a dream - I'd have tried a photo if the light hadn't been horrific...

I even had time to wander down to Bass Point and have a look at the sea.. Gannets, a few auks, a handful of Kitts and a group of Harbour Porpoises. The utter lack of squally showers hitting is entirely to blame, of course. There was a Wheatear, though. :) Also, the rocks were quite something, but having inflicted photos on you, I shall be merciful [There is a photo of the rocks in existence, with lens cap and everything, so be very very grateful.....]

Ah, what a glorious day.

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