These perhaps more properly ought to be buried in an upcoming avalanche of a post*, but I just can't do it,. Thus, here be a couple of highlights from an actual trip away from the Patch! Woo!
So, the scene is a Certain Wood on the fringe of t'Moor**, and what did the Folks and I [and that Little Black Dog] see?
[[Ok, not all see, as Her Horribleness managed to not to notice either of these! You may have twigged that fact by the other fact of my getting a photo..!]]
It was one of those lovely classic hunter's moments when a deer just stops and looks at you, side on. The wind was in our favour - both ways, so we got close and that Little Black Barking Machine didn't go off! - and we were walking in our usual quiet amble, all of which helped. Anyway, getting to it;
Quick quiet coo, a photo, and we moved on. Glorious. :D
Much less likely to run off was this, rather more brightly-coloured little thing;
This lovely little thing was sat on a gatepost. It's not in my Moff books, so I am going to have to try to find a 'what's that cattypilla' site.. :)
Mayhaps I ought to have done that before posting, but where would be the fun?
Be Seeing You...
[[*Not a gull in it, either..!!]]
[[**Not exactly rocket science, but in the upcoming post I'm not naming the site due to the vast numbers of fungus thieves 'foragers' around these days..***]]
[[***Ok, slight spoiler as to what's coming! :) ]]