22 February, 2021


As the Great Sir Pterry wrote;

"I aten't dead."

I have been struck down by a particularly virulent strain of apathy - an affliction which you may be aware I am especially vulnerable to - and consequently have barely managed to get what must be done for survival done, let alone go swanning off out amongst the meandering hordes in search of tweety birds...

After a titanic battle [you should have seen the special effects, really spectacular... ], I may have finally broken this. However, it could well get all StarWars on me and strike back [groan]. [["Come to the Lazy Side, we have cake and the internet...." ]]

Whichever, I have material for you, over and above That Other Thing, which I will get to directly*.

In the mean time, a taste of said Other Thing;

Running Crab Spider sp.
[immature, so almost certainly unidentifiable]

That's the shooty end of a fan heater, btw. Not quite sure what it was doing there...

Also.. Yes, you read right; 'running' crab spiders. Crab-shaped [legses on the sides and longer ones at the front] as you can see... but unlike the colour-changing flower ambush ones, these are actually very fast active pursuit hunters. When they feel like it. [Scared? :) ]

A proper update, with talk of birds and so forth, will be coming. I've uploaded photos and everything [They're awful. Mostly] and just have to gather enough inspiration when I'm somewhere near my computer [it's no good getting it at work] to actually write things and add the right awful pictures of teeny blobs that are grebes, honest. [You'll - if you're very unlucky - see......]

I will

Be Seeing You...

[[* You know it's serious when I get Deb'n..... ]]

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