A nice [well, sort of] frontish thing coming in with low cloud and mist overnight, eh? Worth a shot, right?
Not so much. A couple of Blackcaps and a few Chiffs at the Nose, with not so much as one Wheatear.
Looking up was a bit better, with a nice cloud of ~120 hirundines [about 90/30 HM/Swallow] mooching about in the lee of the land just west of the North Side. With the wind in the south [or so] the South Side was - as is so often the case - a bit blown out.
I went on and decided to go for a wander up on't Moor. It was lovely and murky, with low cloud and waxing and waning mizzle. I got to Bennett's Cross to find the car park empty! On a weekend! This is truly shocking. Anyway, I wandered about Vitifer before giving Sousson's a thorough going-over. I was looking for cones and by extension Crossbills. Bugger all of either. Another bad year for them, it seems... :( After a stakeout lunch which saw me seeing nothing fly past, I decided to get some proper exercise and bounced up Birch Tor, looping along the ridge. Which was nice until the mizzle turned into rain. As it was nigh on 20°, I was in a shirt and didn't feel like digging my waterproofs out and sweltering, so I cowered behind an outcrop while the ponies sniggered at me..
I did find more Chiffs than you'd expect for Moorland, and shedloads of Mipits; with one huge flock of 162 - yes 162! - which flew over me in a stream on the ridge north of Birch Tor [heading...west! Shock.] I also saw a few butterflies - whites, a Small Tort and a Peacock - and a Black Darter; out despite the overcast.
Shelter on the hillside overlooking Vitifer.
It's a lovely spot, except for the minor detail of facing into the prevailing wind..
And on a less pleasant note, not far from there..
On the left, the Two Moors Way - pretty much as it has been for years.
On the right, an 8-10" wide groove, cut down to the soil, running roughly parallel*.
When I wasn't open-mouthed at the thoughtlessness of fellow Moor-users, it was a nice wander, if not spectacular. Notable for how quiet it was. Well, until a horde of schoolkids wandered by... but you can't have everything.
[[*The photo doesn't do it justice; from a distance it looked like someone had taken a giant marker pen to the hillside. At one point it cuts through a low bank so deeply I wondered if a spade had been taken to it.. There are sadly a lot more tyre tracks cut into bits of the Moor that aren't bridleways - ie. where cycling is illegal - but they're nowhere near as photogenic as this.]]
[[*Straight, wide, soft verges, 40 limit, and livestock to make sure the drivers are paying attention!]]
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