20 November, 2018

The East Wind Doth Blow, 1

So, a nice blasting easterly wind does no favours, really. Ok, it might bring in pretty little eastern spp., but so far these keep missing N and S of the Patch. Tut.

This post is not about said Patch, that post is to come.

Right. Saturday. After all the nonsense you will read about up there, I was determined to do some birding with actual birds, weather be damned.

It may have occurred to regular masochists readers that I've yet to play my Fieldcraft vs Fieldfares this year, and indeed it has been weighing upon my mind. So... I went up to Holne, ambled over Mardle way and did just that. There was mistyfog, visibility was not good, and thus it was the Great Game on the 'Oh Come On...' setting. Ie., by the time you can see them, you're inside flush distance...

And yet.

Redwing in the mist

 And yet.


And yet.

Mistle Thrush


There weren't huge numbers - at least that I could see - with maximum in sight at once counts of 3 Mistle, 9 Fieldfare, and 15 Redwing. As well as the usual suspects - including no less than 4 Snipe - and the inevitable Woodpig hordes, I also found.. Yes, you guessed it; fungi! :)

Possibly Cedarwood Waxcap

[still looking]

Yellow Brain
[but not growing on deciduous wood,
 so perhaps
Dacrymyces chrysospremus?]

Lilac Bonnet

Panaeolus acuminatus

Panaeolus subfirmus

A couple of those look quite similar, but were in very different locations, and did look a lot further apart in the myceleum [ahem]. For example, the Lilacs were under the canopy of these;

Classic line of Beech

Yes, I also found the time to get all arty again.. [oh dear]

Love that Moss

Bracken burgundy in the mist

Neon green shoots

It was rather wonderfully peaceful up there.. Can't think why a gunky cold windy morning in November might be, but there you go.

Utter contrast on my way home, as I popped into the local OOT supermarket [by necessity] and found the kind of horrific bunfight you'd expect on the last full day in December. WTAF, as I thought, while queueing to get in...
There wasn't even anything feathered in the car park.

Life. Birds.

What can you do?

[[Give me a nice Rare coming to my feeders for a day or three? lolololol]]

Assorted gubbins from Patch will be coming soon. [For a given definition of 'soon']

Be Seeing You...

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