05 November, 2018

Follow That River

'Scuse the delay, folks. If you would care to pretend this was posted a week ago??

Never mind the weather, it was time to go for an amble up on t'Moor!

We were admittedly going to take a stroll down a pretty little valley, but to get there we needed to cross a small bit of scenery. This will once again be a post mostly made of photos, not least due to there not being a huge amount of birdlife to be found on a wind-blasted Moor...
Ok, there actually was quite a bit of bird life about, but not willing to be photo'd, in the main. We'll get to that.

So, an actual start point picture;

Harford Moor Gate
[nice scenery, and a photobomber]

Hobajohn's Cross

Ugborough Beacon

You can't see the wind, but it's there.

Having got over the ridge, we found a spot out of the wind and the livestock [necessary if you want to hear yourself think, with LBDs around..], and while flyover Fieldfare and Redwing were heard only [possibly being blown past at speed], affairs were then interrupted by unsubtle Woodpigs!

Low and fast, 'more than a hundred'
was the best I could do

The West Glazebrook

Reportedly very pretty. We wandered down it.

Reports deemed accurate


showing three [possibly four]
 increasingly impressive bankfull levels

Definitely very pretty

Back via a different cross

Time for some wildlife.

Hoof Fungus plus..

Ganoderma pfeifferi
[I think]

Porcelain Fungus

All on one very dead tree.

Speaking of death;

Remains of 1cy Golden Plover
[aged by flight feathers and underparts]

Exactly which raptor [individually plucked feathers rules out say a Fox] got a plover for breakfast will have to remain speculation.
Let's have an actual live bird to finish with;


There were Buzzards up, but nowhere near close enough to try a photo. Likewise, plenty of woodland spp. down with the actual trees, but seeing let alone photographing was.. difficult. I wasn't shocked.

It was a nice walk, at least the quiet bits were.

Be Seeing You...

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