08 February, 2023

Getting Out There. Pt.1, One Of These Crows...

I've been having a lot of trouble getting going, recently.

I - of course - have excuses and even reasons for this, but still, it won't really do. I can drag up when I have to [::Mutter mutter work mutter mutter::] but when I want to... Ach, well, there is often a serious issue.

Getting past this will not be easy [apathy is my eternal foe, after all] but I have made efforts.

One of those was at the end of my first week on a new cycle of Days. I took soemthing approximating lunch over to Shaldon and had a go for the Hooded Crow that's been knocking about the Teign estuary recently.

It frequents The Salty*, a sandbank extending from The Bridge almost to the Teign's mouth, or so said reports. Sometimes getting up onto the docks about the grain silos.


I worked my way down to the salty end of Shaldon [chose the south side to have the light behind me. Not my first rodeo], checking everything that moved. Lots of Crows, regular flavour, lots of Oyks, too [I counted them; 226]. A Curlew, 18 Turnstone, no Med Gulls...

No frickin' Hoodie, either.

Bugger, says I. Now more than a little peckish.

About face, back the way I came up to and past the bridge.


Over the bridge and.. Ah, there you are you BLEEEEEP. Sauntering over from the Teignmouth side towards where I'd just been.

Of course.

About turn, quick march.
Stands out a mile

Bit closer?

There you are...
[Er, somewhere..!]

A little more zoom?

Hooded Crow
[Carrion Crow, manky Herring Gulls....] 

Stealth corvid

Talk about camouflage! Not at all bad with the Big Scope, especially when the sun showed a brief glimpse, but even with bins you really needed movement to get on it... [And yes, spent a lot of time hiding behind that pesky Crow!]

More visible;

Showing pesky corvids
how it's supposed to
be done.

No, I'm not chasing a yearlist.

Yes, I did feel better..

Be Seeing You...

[[* You know a river feature's interesting if it has a proper name, down this way. The Bull on the Exe, the Doom Bar on the Camel; these are piles of sand, shingle, or even mud that have been around and done things.     Get in the way of ships to the latters' misfortune, mostly... ]]

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