13 February, 2024

Very Little Very Late

Another weekend, another fatal cocktail of vacillation and apathy strike your brave writer, causing the above title to apply.

I did eventually drag myself around the Patch on Sunday - lugging the Big Scope, no less - but really I could have stayed at home, all the good it did.

In other news,

I'd promised myself no more
Spring flowers, but, well,

I love a Crocus.

Have some more,

A patch

They come up fast

These are all roadside flowers, springing up in a narrow grassy strip beside a large road 'somewhere on Patch' and so unlikely to last long before getting trodden on [mutter mutter is there no respect etc. etc.], but perhaps their beauty is all the sweeter for its transience?

Right, so, calmer.
Better blogging required;

I did see birds, I even photo'd a few, and while a second trip out - up to the Exe for some reason - on Monday afternoon again saw no yearticks [not even Ringed Plover.?!? This is getting a bit silly now]
I did see some nice birds again and may have had a Little Gull, just too far off [even with Big Scope!] to be sure. You see, there are a vexing number of very small Black-headed Gulls about, so you can't call Little on size. Nope, don't even think about it. I had a Little-sized BHG that very day, in fact.

Right, nice birds, starting with Sunday;
One in the Sun
One in the shade
[ok cloud]

Four aslee-
No, wait, five asleep

At least 10 Purple Sand on the Real Living Coast, with 2 Turnstone [bit of a shift from last time] and here's

Pied Wagtail
[dark rump]

Plus assorted flotsam and plasticsum

Three rather vocal Grey Seals
on Thatcher Rock

More than three hundred Guillemots
on the Ore Stone
[also quite vocal]

Jetscum off Meadfoot
[no grebes, quelle surprise]

No jetscum on the Exe [yet]

Biggest disturbance to
the peace!

Three of the six RB Mergansers present [also two Goldeneye, but they were more camerashy]

Two RBM, two Herr,
and a Greenshank

I mentioned small BHGs. This is the best pic I got, can you see which on I mean? [It's not being helpful, naturally]

In front of that Herring Gull

Another LG-sized gull was with a BHG flock well upstream, so I went after it. Turns out, they were dead opposite Starcross yacht club and so impossible to get a good view from the west bank [you could see the flock, not the gull in question..] Drat. Also, still no Egyptian Geese at any of their usual haunts... Bugger.

And still no owls despite much dusk driving.

Ho hum, we keeps at it, yes we does.

Be Seeing You...

[[* Crocuses my BLEEP... ]]

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