02 July, 2024


Having done a long one to the North, it was time to do one to the South.

Ah, but what to start with?

What else but the ultimate Summer birders' clickbait;

Ickle baby Wheatear!!!!!



And a lot more than one this time.

But before we get to all of them, some scenery on the way,

Devonport Leat

Fox Tor

Childe's Tomb

Black Lane marker

[Look closely.!]

Photobombed by Wheatears!

There weren't just Wheatears up there. 

Small Heath

Small Heath

In a year with few butterflies in many areas, at least this part of t'Moor had plenty of Small Heaths.

Two of four male Four-spots at Ducks' Pool, with Azure and Large Red Damselflies, also Golden-ringed Dragonfly nearby.

We won't be having any Horsefly photos, but they were around, too...
More insect images;

Longhorn moth sp.

This beetle pegged it
in front of me..
.. before diving into cover.

I'm not sure what it is, with Müller's and Kugelann's Ground Beetle and both Greencloak spp. being possible?

"Is it our turn yet?"

Ok ok, time for gratuitous Wheatears.

Wheatear vs Leatherjacket. Who will win?

Ok, pretty one-sided, there.
Not all juvs

Not just one juv
from lots of angles.


Skylarks taking a

Lovely day.

Be Seeing You...

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