11 July, 2024

Service Notice

Due to goggle being arseholes, this blog is on hiatus.

When they stop demanding access to my computer - for the privilege of giving them my art* for them to train their [and anyone else's who'll pay] AIs on - I'll be back.

Don't be too worried, last time it took two whole days for them to give up. The time before, a couple of weeks, so we shall see.

In better news, this is sparing you a moth post  [[Oh, stop cheering]]

I have been seawatching a bit, seen the odd good thing. Missed a few good things too, I suspect...

Anyways, until they give up, I shall

Be Seeing You...

[[* Yes, photos are art. ** ]]
[[** If a set of dirty bedclothes are, my blobs are. 😛*** ]]
[[*** Ok, nobody's offered me a million quid for one of mine - even my really good ones of beetles and things - but it's the principle that counts.]]

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