05 July, 2024

We're Going On A Bug Hunt. Pt.2, That's More Like It!

Much bigger, sexier butterflies were prime target this time around, and oh my did I find some?




Almost as wide as my grin.

Glare. I don't care.

Love the hair 😀

The eyes, the eyes.

That'll be a 'yes, just a couple', then.

So I got a few half-decent White Admiral shots. At least three individuals, there.





Only the second time a Brimstone has properly posed for me, and this time I didn't have to wade through knee-deep Brambles to get the angle.!


Best Ringlet shot ever.

Unexpectedly, odonata pretty much stole the show. Well, sort of.
Big hawkers don't sit and pose, usually. Very rarely, anyways. GRD aside, at least.



Eating what I choose to believe was the Horsefly that had been determinedly pestering me, then just stopped.

This is what dragons are for!

Golden-ringed Dragonfly

Gorgeous. Will pose. I love them.

Have another!

One GRD, nice. Two is a good day.

Emperor's don't stop. Kind of famous for it.

But having lunch?

Very good day.


ID this dragon, if you will.

Have a prettier angle;

Southern Hawker.
Immature male.

Though not too far off.
June was a little early for SH.

What's this?

Southern Hawker.


I once met an immature SH on my way into Smallhangar. I got a half-decent photo, and this was on film..
It's been a few years.
Purple Hairstreak had been reported in the area. I had to look.
The Oaks were alive with winged things, indeed;


Dozens and dozens of Beautiful Demoiselles. I've never seen so many in one place.

Couldn't find a hairstreak, though.

Some nice bees and hoverflies also.

But oh, those Admirals.

Be Seeing You...

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