21 October, 2018


I know what you're expecting.

Something like this, yes?

First photo of the day

And yes, you do get that, but you also get this;


What a poser

Oh dear.

Skulking, elusive, these were not words to do with the Grey Catbird at Treeve, which showed from the moment I arrived. These are the good twitches.

Indeed, in such a good mood by the ridiculous views - at one point it came to the crowd, sitting in a hedge calling and showing from maybe 15'..

Showing off the red bits

 - that after an hour and a half of this it was all too much, so I wandered off down the road, getting in my first ever visit to Land's End [and without giving unsavory a penny - bonus!]

Required grockle shot

The view from as far west as you can get
[cliffs roped off to protect lichens!]

As you may have deduced, the weather was glorious. All day. Ah, if it had been like this last time I was down this way.. Oh well.

I took a couple of detours on my way back, and met some birds which were very helpful and some which were right little gits.

All, shall be revealed in a longer post to come [[oh no.....]]

But here's a teaser;


Be Seeing You...

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