05 April, 2020

March Seawatching..??

Yes, really.

The weather was not, I admit, entirely conducive to it, though in theory strong onshore winds should be, the reality is that you just get blasted for very little..

However, it wasn't going to stop me, and as the Nose is in easy walking range I feel it is my duty to keep it up.

Anyways, there isn't - as you may be shocked to learn - actually much to report.

Big swell!

Sustained strong easterlies will do that.

Two watches, neither giving vast numbers, indeed getting dangerously close to 'three Gannets and a Fulmar' levels, BUT also including one record of note; first Manxie of the year! South inside the Ore Stone on the evening [yes, I tried that] of the 29th. I even got a record shot!

Spot the Manxie
[Clue; underside view]


Yeah, amazing stuff, I know...


Oh yeah, and some more of those frisky seas...

Well, there is time.

There is also work [yes, no furlough for me...], but we shall see.

Be Seeing You...

[Hopefuly also some seabirds!]

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