23 June, 2022

All In All, It's Just Another Moth On A Wall...

No, not apologising for that.

It's the sunny half of the year and so - a little late perhaps this time - the moths are fluttering about the night [and indeed day] skies.

Sometimes they wind up here, clinging to walls [or ceilings], hoping the birds and spiders won't find them..

These are the few the local bats have missed - though I've only detected Pipistrelles [regular and soprano flavour] so far this year, neither of which are big enough to threaten moths in anything but their wildest dreams! - so think the luckiest, smallest and flattest ones...

Anyways, I'm getting on with it;

Waved Umber,
Lacewing sp.
[and very hopeful spider!]

Brimstone and
a noctuid of some sort

These all attracted to my balcony light while I scatter soaked worms for the birds [I do this after sunset so they're there for the birds at first light. This being the time when ground foragers especially are most vulnerable to cats - which watch where birds go and then go out in darkness to set an ambush. Little darlings. - and so having a cat-proof place where they can get their first food of the day is very useful.]


Willow Beauty

Pale Tussock

Satin Beauty

Buff Ermine

Mottled Beauty

Riband Wave

July Highflyer

There, that's a few.

Moths still coming, so so will another post.

[Oh yes...]

Be Seeing You...

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