07 June, 2022

Backward Posting. Pt.2, Stretching The Legs

Friday and I was determined to get some exercise, get up on t'Moor, and see just how unfit I was... [Gulp]

I also had Business with brightly-patterned flutterbys.

So, two birds, one photo* and so on;
A detour on the way out and a quick amble through a bog.


Marsh Fritillary



I can go on but we'll stop the pics and I'll tell you I counted 12 of the wonderful things. :D

Also there;

Look at that schnozz!!!

Bee-fly sp.!

Now as to which one......

"Aargh! I'm stuck!"

Many many Garden Chafers on the wing all over the place, [Yes, I did rescue this one, whose wing had caught] frequently flying into you with a disconcertingly loud Buzzzzz-BONK!

I didn't tarry long, as I had Elsewhere to be.

Lunch was had with a view like this;

Not bad.

With accompaniment from a Cuckoo [unseen] and plenty of


Very confiding when you sit around quietly.. :)

I eventually tore myself away and went for an amble about the north Moor, a little tentatively at first, as I attempted to find out how unfit I was without doing myself a disservice..

Turns out I'm not as badly off as I'd feared, and I toddled a good 11 miles and bounced up Yes Tor the 3rd hardest way with only about a dozen 'pauses to scan for kites'  [Ahem]
This yomping was, I must add, almost entirely on the network of military roads [ie. tracks with the odd stretch of tarmac here and there], with only one serious climb, one ford, and one bout of bog-hopping.
Still, while knees were feeling it on the day, they've recovered nicely, so that's good news.

You're expecting Wheatears, right?
Well, it would be wrong not to;

Some little Wheatear's getting a good lunch!

Giving anxiety calls

Proof of and signs of breeding at two locations.

While t'Moor wasn't exactly quiet [most vexingly at a couple of points while trying to quietly stalk things and 'oh here's a family pushing a buggy.!'] it wasn't heaving either, though the proportion of dogs actually on the lead was vexingly though not surprisingly low...

More scenery

As you can see, the sunshine didn't last.

A few locals I ran into [or who er, flew into me];

Wasp sp. 1

Wasp sp. 2

Common Shoulderblade

Devon sheep are so
hard, they rob banks.

Those two are up to no good. Tell me I'm wrong.

No kites this time [look up last year so I can gloat again], but a very nice day out all around.


Be Seeing You...

[[* I think this needs adopting ASAP, don't you? ]]

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