15 October, 2022

Here And There. Pt.2, A Quiet Stroll

Another wander not taken [mostly due to the Challacombe Pack.!] in recent years with the Folks was taken [or undertaken? re-taken??]; the Vitifer-Challacombe-Birch Tor loop.

Out of the wind
at Birch Tor

We took our time, finding spots out of the wind to stop and enjoy the view [oh, the hardship... :) ] and it was all very nice.
In terms of birds, the only real notable was a lone Wheatear at Headland Warren. Which only came out after we'd passed by, so here's a very long-range shot;

Yes, it's that blob on the rock...

Autumn Reed Bunting

Small Copper

Extra-funky caterpillar!

Mediaeval gatepost*


Sorry to end on a downer.

Or not, here's

Rosebay Willowherb


Be Seeing You...

[[* Serfs/Peasants didn't get hinges - metal was far too good for them expensive, esp. with rusting issues {no stainless steel then} - they used planks slotted into the posts. Which is a very flexible system, if time-consuming.]]
[[** That's a turf bank on a hillside bridlepath, about a foot high, cut right through by bicycle passage. The purpose of said bank was to prevent water flowing straight down the slope, eroding the soil and increasing flood risk down-stream***, ****]]
[[*** Yes, that's one tiny bank, but throughout the catchment..?]]
[[**** The NP have started using granite slabs now, which at the least causes circumvention. ]]

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