31 October, 2022

Rain. Fungi. Sounds Like Yarner.

Go to Yarner, get rained on.
A lot.
Thus it was for many long years. Yarner and rain just went together. You got soaked.

Then things changed [mostly]

So it was with some actual surprise that Sunday week [bit behind, sorries] I took an amble there with the Folks and oh boy did it heave down on us. 'The odd shower' was forecast. Well, we had a shower and, odd thing, it lasted two hours....


Did get some nice funguses - at least before my camera got rained to near-death... - a very few of them [focussing kaput] are not blurry, even.

Amethyst Deceiver

Because I love a purple fungus.

And because [all together, now]


Ok, not always. Here are a few non-Deceivers;

False Deathcap

These [and their White variant] were all over the place, clearly loving the conditions this year.
Far harder to find;


So very, very white...

Speaking of Terror;

Honey Fungus

[All gardeners flee screaming into the night....!!]
[[But they're so preeeeeeetty]]
I resorted to a lot of flash, what with all the lack of light and everything. This sometimes had some interesting... side effects;



[Cortinarius uliginosus, I think.]

Bitter Bolete

Trooping Funnel

Shaggy Scalycap

Scarlet Brittlegill

Birch Brittlegill

Blotched Woodwax

Blackening Brittlegill

Common Puffball

Hairy Curtain Crust

There were birds. Sometimes.
Lots of Marsh Tits on the feeders, with showy Nuthatches and GSWs, and a couple of Mandarin on the reservoir.

When the rain finally got bored, it was rather nice.

Be Seeing You...

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