26 October, 2022

Looking For Yearticks [And Lifers!] In The Right Place

After an ohsomerry week at my actual real job of work, while slackers others saw dozens of Ouzels and hundreds of big shears - never mind all the Sibes....... - I was Very Good and wandered over to the Nose on Saturday morning.
I even got out the door before sunrise [le gasp]

I'd had Redwing parties over at work since Thursday, and it continued, with 49 Redwing, 19 Fieldfare, and bands of Woodpigeon, Goldfinch, Siskin, Linnet, Mipit, and possibly [might have been locals] Greenfinch overhead. All going West and likely in/off. The Firecrests were vocal in the same spot as the previous weekend, and I passed 5 tit and 'crest bands, though none felt very showy.

At said Nose I ran into the Teacher, who'd had the same idea. He went down to overlook the South Side while I went into the Top Dell [whose entrance is rather tricky for the be-scoped].
Neither of us had found much, as the weather forecasters had lied when telling of sunshine and lighter winds..

Then, 'oh look, the Pallas' has been seen again at Berry Head'....

As said Teacher needed Pallas' Warbler full stop [and I not only needed it for the year but had only had one sighting - 11 years ago! - of those wonderful little things] it was a no-brainer.

Twitching time!

Spoiler alert;

Pallas' Warbler!

No, really it is.

It is.

Look at the great big black eyestripe, see the rump; that's no Chiffie!


Yes, that is the only shot I got that even hit the target.... It was not helpful. Hours were involved, with the bird popping up wherever we weren't [it was also pulling this game on the Great and the Good, so just a naughty bird, not anything to do with us]. Eventually we staked out the right bit, and it duly popped up where I was watching.

Even better, it stayed put while all present shifted over and got on it.

Never stayed still, though.
Not even slightly.

[To be fair, they don't.]

It was in this, when I got eyes on;

It is in there!.

Zoom out a bit

Handy habitat within
bird retaining structure
Berry Head quarry

Also at least 5 of these knocking about the place,

Ring Ouzel

Continuing my long tradition of getting posing Ouzels who are nontheless utterly inseperable from Blackbirds....

[I did have many of Devon's Finest stood right by me as I took this, looking at that very bird and going on about how well and close it was showing... My fecking camera...]
Also annyoingly mobile Blackstarts and assorted bird-scaring raptors.

Anyways, two yearticks for me, and a Lifer for the Teacher [tart! 😛 ]

Hmm, hey Teacher, we're at Berry Head, you have The Artefact [::Ominous chanting::] with you, why not have a look at the sea while we're here?

Oh, hello 3 Great Shearwaters!*
[Lifer 2]
[Sea tart! 😝]


Let's have some better photos, shall we?

A couple of fungi's
[Iodine Bonnet]

Gotta have a waxcap!
H. reidii

With Pallas' I have now matched my total from 2020 [year of the Great Aborted Year... Oh and some plague thing..??]. I'm still a probably ungettable way behind my record, but well, maybe if things start appearing when I can get at them [It's a frickin' Pallid, now... Arg. ] you never know??

I shall, I hope,

Be Seeing You...

[[* There is currently an unprecedented {for the date} influx of them in the area. For example, 450+ off same Head on 26/10. You'd be delighted and amazed to get that off 'Gwarra in August, normally.....]]

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