26 June, 2024

Paying Court

There are, I suppose, really only two places on t'Moor I absolutely have to get to every year without fail.

And I've already been to Wild Tor.

There's a shanty of which I can only recall a brief section, but it always comes to mind when I'm heading that way.

Anyways, the Northwest passage is also a peat pass - probably the only even slightly famous one - and it does indeed go northwest, across Cut Hill, and you take it going from Postbridge to this place;

Fur Tor

All blue skies and green grass and so unlike that New Year's Eve..

You know the way by now, so here are a few pics of this, that, and the other.

The waterfall

In laid-back
Summer mode

Enclosures of differing ages

Bronze Age burial

Spot the archaeology


Flies! Flies!

Beautiful Demoiselle

Small Heath

Big caterpillar!
[Emperor Moth?]

Garden Chafer

Some beetle not in my books

Round-leaved Sundew

English Stonecrop

Wrong sort of Merlin

Oh, birds?


Only Wheatear of the day

I blame to cold N wind.

Redpoll gathering wool!

with a friend.

Why do all my Mistle Thrush
photos suck so much?

I almost had the place to myself, too.

Be Seeing You...

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