Yea and on the Sixth day did the Backward Birder crack and go to see the Dawlish Warren Melodious Warbler, and lo! It was a right little git to him.
While he did See it and indeed Hear it, too, it stopped showing like youtube star right as he arrived and thereafter skulked and scuttled about like nobodies' business, to the Vexation and Woe of all unfortunate enough to be present.
But it was not quite fast enough to entirely evade his camera, and so the poor readers of Backward Birding would be assailed, afflicted and assaulted by the horrors that ensued......
I see you.
Flycatching in a Willow. Yup.
"I spy a tasty fly!"
Evidently binocular vision is not required for high speed flight in blowing branches against small agile prey.. Birds, eh?
Fly; Exit, pursued by Melodious Warbler
Wonderful pictures, I'm sure you agree. Also it seems likely the last ones of the bird! [Wow]
Yeah, helpful it was not. Having promptly hidden on my arrival, it showed after about half an hour; popping up just too briefly to be photo'd [autofocus was just locking on...I think it's been learning from the Stonechats... Grr]before flying across to the Wood where it stayed visible [ish], mostly in the Willows, very mobile and flycatching, before vanishing.
Three or so hours of very little followed, before, with only Keith and a passing crew on their way home from cornish seawatching still waiting, some calling and a zip away as a raspberry-blowing finale.
In there somewhere...???
Rock Rose.
Showing much better
Sunshine. Check.
'Sun-loving' Warbler. Fail.
As the evening wore on, KB and I had had enough and went to look at the sea. There were birds. Including a few Manxies and some terns among lots of gulls and Gannets. Far away but still easier to see.
This, that, the other
Gannets, assorted gulls, the odd Manxie
[That's 'Elandra Denali' on the horizon. Yes, as seen from HN]
It was, as they say, better through scopes.
Enough nearly timely posting, usual service will be resumed soon.
Be Seeing You...
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