16 July, 2019

More Chasing Butterflies.

It's that time of year.
Cut back to my last Friday for a while and it was off looking for poor innocent insects;

So, before I went off in search of Silver-studded Blues, I had Unfinished Business to settle with a certain sp. of dragonfly.

Fortunately, the mighty MK had posted on his blog [wonderful source of gen and moff ID] that he'd found some at a quite accessible and handily on the way site. Ah, now we've heard THIS before, but persistence is No.2, remember?

So, a stop off at Dart's Farm, and after a LOT of Black-tailed Skimmers, I finally found this;

Scarce Chaser

You may note it was a bit sunny.. 

Gooogly eyes..!

How's that?

I do love those things. Once I find them.
At least three males plus a female seen.

For comparison,

Black-tailed Skimmer

Note; Green eyes not blue, olive thorax not black, broader black mark on abdomen, not tapering, also yellow spots on abdomen side, clear wings right down to base - no black patch - with yellow costa [leading edge]. And never a black V - which Scarce acquires while mating.

Onwards and eastwards! Before heading to the heathy bits, I had a look in the woods in case the White Admirals and SW Frits were feeling helpful. They were present in numbers, but well,

White Admiral

Too busy bombing around. Oh well.

Would the dear little darlings be where I left them last year?

Silver-studded Blue

The wind made things interesting, but my pet site came through in style.


A more careworn individual!

Near miss by a bird, there.


Another, demonstrating spots

Note how similar to the head the spots are.


Large Skipper

Striker of poses

And all over the place

Not just Large skippers..

Essex Skipper

Rather straight thin sex brand [the black line visible just above the near wing], but nm that; look at the black antennae tips.

Catching the ear as well as the eye;

Cue innuendo

A very small bee sp. - sounding like a Bee-fly! - at least 4 present on thistles near Frying Pans.

Gathering pollen

More usual;

Small Heath

Keeled Skimmer

Huge numbers of these emerging!

Common Blue Damselfly

I think this is the first one I've photo'd close to. They're usually well out over water.

Scarlet Tiger

Cue the milkshake sound effect!
Also a photo first.

Dusky Scalloped Oak??

I was with the mighty MK for these, and he spotted this [and right after a Small Grass Emerald - green moth in green grass; serious eyes!] and called it as a Belle [I didn't catch which, being distracted by trying to get on it], but I can't find a Belle sp. which looks like this, while DSO seems a good match..?? I'm probably very wrong, but I've only the one book to go on, so ::shrugs::

It was a good day, despite the rather dank heat and naughty large butterflies; even the Horseflies didn't press their attacks too much :)

Be Seeing You...

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