17 August, 2019

Even More Moths!


Newly extended with new sightings..

Exactly what it says on the tin. Life hasn't been all seawatching recently [alas.. ;) ], with other weather sometimes getting a look in. The odd warm overcast night has given a few visitors, so behold;

Portland Ribbon Wave

At last, one that isn't yet another version of Riband Wave! And it's a bit rare, too :)

Large Yellow Underwing

Double-striped Pug

Latticed Heath

Great Oak Beauty
[this twice the size of the one above, if not more!]

Sallow Nycteoline

Plume sp.

Veneer sp.

Pug sp.


Veneer sp.

Shield Bug sp.

Another Veneer-y micro spp.

Oak Tree Pug?

Absolutely No Idea!!

If that's a 'micro', they're taking the mouse even more than with plumes...

Numbers even further down, but then you get the odd one just appear. That Beauty was on my windscreen one morning! [Fortunately, it found shelter nearby and I was able to get it on camera when I got back..!]

Another non-seawatch post also to come, which will include gratuitous Lady porn... [will horrors never cease?]

Be Seeing You...

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