11 November, 2019

Proper Patch Birding

So, at last I can add pictures again. Sometimes. Close enough, let's get on with it!

We shall begin many postings with a rather old post from October [slightly updated]:

Aside from the odd bout of chasing Yankees*, I've been a proper responsible Patch Birder recently.

I don't just mean seawatching, either. :)

Bashing my Patch for land birds is usually an exercise in frustration and aching legs, due to vexing geography and private property. Oh and the Running Man, of course...

I swear he was waiting for me one Saturday [before The Gap]. And now he's got a new, younger rival; yes, Two Running Men, making sure everything is cowering far out of sight.. Ah, the woes of having to share the world with other people!  [yes, that was irony**]

Anyways, no fancy rarities or sexy vagrants - you will be shocked to learn - but the odd half decent scarcity [for here, at least] plus actually getting the camera on something that isn't a Chiffchaff or Blackcap for once. Not well, but well enough for a proper Dodgy Record Shot. [So yes, brilliant for me.. Ho ho]

First Firecrest of the Autumn

They keep looking away this year.  At least you can see it's not a Goldcrest.!

Here's an interesting shot - I got two of him [through bins there were much better views - of course]

I'm getting Vireo flashbacks, looking at this...

I later found another in the Oddicombe undercliff, so I expect a few are knocking about. No Yellow-broweds yet, though.

Rather than try to give long accounts of where I went and what I did on the assorted days [plural, oh yes], I think I'll just stick a few highlights up.

Big flock [80+!] knocking about

Hello Crow!
One of the Hope's Nose Massive [20+ mostly/all 1cy]

Ivy Bee

Vast numbers along 100m or so of Ivy-covered fence along IMD.

Aren't they gorgeous?

"Yes, yes I am"

It was clearly looking at its reflection!


If you can't be bothered to take rations down the Nose, nearly-as-confiding Rock Pipits can be found along Meadfoot sea wall. This one was dodging traffic in heart-stopping style.


'Tis the season for odd-looking birds
[Oddest 1cy Blackbird??]

'White-bellied "Dunnock" thing',
with definite Dunnock

Whitish belly with thin streaks, and worryingly un-Dunnocky head pattern. Loosely with Dunnocks, acting like one, but never seen closer than this.

Anyways, skipping on and forgetting anything that thing looked horribly like, we have;


Much better subject in every way.

Another Patch Post will be forthcoming amongst the throng, with actual half-decent pics of a half-decent bird! Shock!

Also shedloads of fungi.

Be Seeing You...

[[*I meant the Vireo, yes that old.]]
[[**These days, and especially in type, you alas have to be specific. Yes, I know it's a contradiction in terms, but well, the comment applies again.. ]]

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