17 May, 2021


As promised, here are pictures of assorted insecty type things from the mostly sunny Sunday, seen while looking for all the tweety birds that were stuffing the bushes and mostly hiding like little wotsits [or sittting in the very top of a tree, then flying off when I tried to get a photo...] in my last post.
[And yes, this is Sunday a week ago, but you're used to that by now, I'm sure.. :) ]
Holly Blue
 I really like all the blues. :)

Beetle 1
Beetle 2
Beetle 3
 Annd we have to have some purdy flowers;
Narrow-leaved Vetch
Common Mouse-ear
 All very purdy.
Coming Soon to a blog near you;
More Bush-bashing
Getting Old Skool at Yarner
Better Late than you'd expect
[Exciting, isn't it?*] 

Be Seeing You...

[[* Trailers exist as unique features and cannot be held as examplars of posts. Entertainment value may go down as well as up. Reality cannot be expected to conform to expectation. ]]

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