05 May, 2021

Twice More To The Nose

In a move made twice as shocking by its utter predictability, I again made early-ish morning visits to the Nose over the weekend.
Unlike weekdays, I met sundry assorted birders, and sundry assorted birds. :)
Also sundry assorted insects;


"It'll stop in a minute" said Pete. He was amazingly right and I even got this. Irony is ironic that way, after what I put up from Exminster...

I'm not complaining, look at him!!!!  :D

Also the posey Wall threatened earlier;



Same light, very different butterflies! These were within 2' of each other. The books say males are darker, with the diagonal sex brand [special scales with lurrrve pheromones, designed to be wafted at females] but you don't normally see sex differences quite so clearly.

Speckled Wood

Adela reaumurella

Ground Beetle sp.

Swallows have been trickling over, and Sunday saw the first Swift of the year for me, seen feeding from my kitchen window, though sadly only for a few minutes.


At least 2 or 3 present both days.

Three is the number of singing male Whitethroat now confirmed at the Nose - two on the South Side are differently marked - though no further sign of Lesser [or Whinchats for anybody who isn't a teacher....].
The two spp. of warbler and three of finch are busy working on the next generation, and Razorbills have been seen on the Ore Stone - or rather in, they using the fold-caves on the upper right section - as well as hundreds of Guillemots. [Yes I am going to take a proper count when light and scope permit].

Rather mobile

But things were set to change. Strange things on the horizon [they call them clouds...] and the threat of.....



Be Seeing You...

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