05 August, 2021

The Home Front

No not moths.
[Ok, I confess, there are some moths. I didn't mean to got to moths, but they just happened. {20pts if you get the awful reference}]
Every year, my Hawthorn is host to The Farm. This being the resident black ants, farming aphids; who feast upon my poor tree's tender bits and produce vast quantities of honeydew. Far more, in fact, than the ants can eat, so it ends up all over the place. This in turn attracts other visitors [and covers the poor tree in guck...]. Behold;


Hoverfly 2

Hoverfly 3

That's not a Hoverfly...
Ladybirds? I wish, but the ants are very fierce and soon see them off. [I have tried with any I find waking up on the premises...]
Now, yes, moths... I know I know, but I find myself with some to show with a lack of any more hoverflies from Home [others from elsewhere, so not applicable.]
A Wave, surely, but which one??
Riband Wave? But that dark wing base?! Portland Ribbon? But so pale before the second cross-line, and the dark outermost area?!?
Common Footman
 Bit easier.
Black Arches
Much easier.
[rufous form we get around here]

Endotricha flammealis
Single-dotted Wave

July Highflyer,
I think?
[Or maybe an odd Dark Marbled Carpet?]
Willow Beauty
But we'll stop it there.

Turning around a bit, we finally come to plant news, as I have some self-seeded additions to my rewilding skygarden!

Grey Sallow?

This is growing out of my grass, on solid concrete, waaaay up high in the air. How the vickers did a willow get itself up here?!? 'Wind-sown' and then some!
Needless to say, it can't stay there [I have great respect for trees and their roots....], so I have acquired a pot to put it in. How well it'll do in that, only time will tell, but it's worth a try and certainly better than just killing it. 

Also self-seeded - though in my old Lavender's pot - is this;

Just started flowering!!

I think it's a Himalayan Honeysuckle [ok, I've been told it is]. We have one not far away, but again dooooooown there.
Thirdly, yes third! What may be another Willow, possibly an american Bebb's Willow. 

It's all very odd. Most of the stuff that grows is from spilt seed, as you'd expect. You may recall my Sunflowers from a few years back, which had a big hand in this whole nonsense.

Still, I suppose as my seemingly now long-term shoulder issue [yes it's back, or perhaps that should be 'playing up again'....] is going to be putting many crimps in my attempts to yomp on t'Moor or do any proper scope-based birding, I should be grateful for the opportunity to potter about potting in my imminent dotage...

Be Seeing You...

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