05 February, 2022


I haven't re-iterated this for a while [it may be years..] but I endeavour to maintain a proper level of decorum in this blog, avoiding as best I can such delicate topics as politics and religion, to name but two. This care is most especially taken in regards to sensitive species. 
Thus you will often get - with varying levels of humour in the delivery - censorship of locations. Likewise, some things I encounter will not be mentioned at all, or only alluded to*. While I prefer to err on the side of caution, I still believe a record should if possible be put out of what can be seen if you apply Patience, Persistence, and Fieldcraft [and the Goddess of Birding smiles upon you. That really helps].

Of course, I am a mere human and [very] fallible, so - and yes, this at last is the point of this post - if anybody feels I have revealed too much - or indeed could say more [ha ha] - please let me know. My comments are moderated, if you have no other means of contact.

Missives will be treated in the manner they are received * ** and not published regardless of their content.

Ok, serious stuff over, back to the fun.

[[* Yes, this is frustrating, but the Ultimate Rule applies.]]
[[** So, for example, Anonymous people will be ignored.* ]]

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