03 July, 2022


Every evening, after dark [work allowing] I scatter soaked mealworms for the birds about my skygarden. This is so they're in situ for first light, when ground-foraging birds are most vulnerable to cats.

Opening the door in the week, I was surprised to have something come whirring in past me.
Something which I at first thought was a Pipistrelle bat!

Not a bat, oh no.

Eventually it settled and I applied the camera.


Poplar Hawk-moth!!!!!


Here showing its red underwing spots in a threat display "Don't you point that BLEEPing camera at me, mate!"

There ensued a battle of wits and will as I attempted to get it back outside before any of my spiders' dreams came true [I'd shut the door to the hall straight off, of course]. Despite a kamikaze run on the ceiling light [whose resident spider has a taste for moths.. Ok and anything else that forgets the rule from 'Poltergeist'.. ;) ] I was successful and off he went back out into the night.

I do have [quite a few] more moffs to post, but this Mighty Moth deserves one all of his own, don't you think?

Be Seeing You...

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