01 December, 2023

Insert Dodgy Violet Pun Here

Saturday dawned cold and frosty. I lugged the heavy artillery to the Nose in the vain hope I'd get some nice views of the Black Redstart. [He did show wonderfully. To the Teacher, with The Artefact ::Ominous Chanting::. After I'd left.     Drat.]

I bashed bushes to feck all little reward.

I scoured the sea and found it diverless [well, once I'd texted that out, one appeared, but that was just to take the piss inevitable].

But behold, on my way home;

It's Spriing! November.

Glorious Devon, folks.

I did eventually find the odd thing; that GND, and the Common Scoters and Eider around the Buoy Farm.
There were a fair few Guillemots on the Ore Stone, many of whom went off North in a sudden rush

"Last one to the chippie pays!"

Near-futile scanning with the Big Scope of a loose spread of feeding gulls produced a surprising number of Harbour Porpoise - this outside the Ore Stone and seen over it from Sunrise Bench - with at least 6 present. [You rarely see more than two or three here]

But really, it was pretty quiet.

Here's a piccie of those scoterses, taken a little later on from the IMD Lookout;

One, two, three...

Much better through the scope, naturally.

Let's have a panorama in three parts [due to blog limitations.]

Berry Head beyond Sandy Point, Thatcher Rock,
Thatcher Point

Thatcher Point, Sandy Cove and
the South Side

The South Side

Taken while waiting for the Blackstart to not show.

The Sun was all shiney [for once], but it was hard yards.

Still, 'tis Patch birding.

Be Seeing You...

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