27 May, 2024

Persistence. Pt.2, The Home Front And All That, Eh Chaps?

Most time ended up being spent about the Patch [especially if you include watching out the window waiting for the bleepingbleepingbleep to arrive...]

Ahem. Yes, anyways...

Where to begin? Shameless attempt at clickbait, I suppose;

Small White

And not horribly burnt out for once.
[What madness is this??]

Just be grateful it's not a moff

[Those are coming... Heh heh heh...]

More arthropodic fun ensues;

Wilke's Mining Bee?

Running Crab Spider sp.
[possibly P. albidus by range]

Razorbills on Ore Stone


Fah! Fah, I say.

I did some seawatching, at any chance pf half-decent weather when I could get there, and got not a lot. Odd shear, few Puffins [yay], usual standard species, though still only on one species of skuas and terns for the year.. But a surprise Stormie was as unexpected as it was welcome. Birds, eh?
And, after one watch [where I got very soggy...Feckin' forecast], this!

Big Black Slug
[and tiny golden beetle!]

Big Black Slugs are a Nose staple. Beware where you put your feet when it's wet.....

Ok, this has taken quite long enough.
Just posting it.

Be Seeing You...

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