18 March, 2018

Here We Go Again..

Shock on the Patch as once again it is actually properly snowing.

This just DOES NOT HAPPEN here. Its the British Riviera, after all. We have flowers year round, lots of rain but real cold does not apply. Cold winds, sometimes.

One 'freak' event a decade or so should be the limit. Now we have a second and its mid March. Spring should be sproinging. I should be chasing Wheatears about the Nose and posting insane numbers of flower pictures...

Yesterday we had normal winter snow - in about 20 hours of waxing and waning yet continuous fall, we got this;

A neighbour's car

Just a dusting on cold surfaces, and all melted on the roads and pavements [and balconies].

This morning, the real snow arrived. Here's the same car, after half an hour of it;


I've been very busy keeping - ok, trying to keep - the important bits clear and stocked with rations for the poor starving birdies.

Now that the snow has eased a bit - its more blowing around than falling like this is a christmas movie - I cannot resist the temptation to go out in it. Because this time my head is behaving and everybody is still six inside if they're honest.. ;D
Also, I can't help but worry about the birds out where people with balconies aren't, and so I'll take a couple of apples to third [as they don't blow away or bury easily] for them.

See? Responsible.

Speaking of; I wanted to blog in case I fall into a drift or something. And also because of this;

Winter Wonderland

Wait, is that..?

It has been a long time. I'm so glad :D

Be Seeing You..

PS Four LTTs just came in and on to the peanut feeder I'd just brushed free of snow [an inch glued to the side and right through..]

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