29 May, 2019

A Quick Yomp With A Surprise.

Impertinent weather and a desire to get some exercise saw me up on t' Moor on of all days a bank hollyday Monday..!

Wind and showers had indeed vastly reduced grockle numbers, though I still had to actually talk to people twice [oh, the horror....]. This despite swanning off for a quick amble up to The Man; not the most visited part of the Moor.

Yup, this one;

The Beardown Man

[Time for that Nanny Ogg quote again]

The day was rather vexed by my camera pulling a full-on screw-up, though. You may recall that some of the pictures I've been putting up recently have been a bit dark. I figured the camera had found a new way of being daft / I was shooting into the light more. Except now it's starting pulling a new trick, something far more critical. Let me show you two pictures, taken seconds apart with no change in settings - the only difference is a touch of zoom [just about 15mm of it]

Devil's Tor south
Now you see me...

...Now you don't!

Super over-exposed. Super super.. No matter how much I fiddle with the settings - and doing the reset thing - it keeps doing that with any zoom at all [and sometimes without]. It looks fine through the back, but once you hit the shutter it goes Bang!
I suspect the sensor's fancy light compensation function is fubar. Bugger and so on.


I discovered this when I tried using said camera for the first shot of the day on a lovely Redstart that popped up beside Holming Beam. Bird softly lit with dark green trees behind and even posing...  You can guess my reaction.

Yeah, quite surprised and not one teeny tiny bit happy.

Oh well, what can you do [after you've finished cursing]?

A few unzoomed shots;

The Man


Beardown north

Looking out from Devil's
towards Great Mis




Mossy Stonecrop

Fox Moth caterpillar

Looking out from Beardown
[If I could use the zoom, you'd learn that you can
see the Sub and the Froward Daymark from here]

Hmm, a post with no bird pics.. Well, I tried but no zoom =  no birdses. Unless you want that first flashed Redstart? No?

[[This, the Goddess of Birding having that sense of humour of Hers, would be the time when a line of Bee-eaters are waiting for me when I get home from work one day. Posing on a wire about 50' or so off, say. I would not be at all surprised. Not at all....]]

Assuming that doesn't happen [I'd probably combust if it did..], silly flower posting may resume shortly.

Be Seeing You...

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