09 January, 2020

Out For A Jolly On The Moor. 2, Sunshine!

Last catchup post from last year. I think. Probably.
[Just get on with it..]

This time I was successful in getting the Folks up on t' Moor in winter. The weather was clearly feeling ill, as instead of blasting us with hail and sideways rain, unleashed vast torrents of sunshine.

I know, I'm still in shock.

Apparently there's a 17 month wait for therapy, so I'll have to deal with it the old fashioned way;



So, we took a gentle toddle from the lovely little village of Belstone [think every 'Dartmoor village' cliche you can come up with, wrapped up and multiplied by about 100 million quid....] up the eponymous Ridge as far as Steeperton Gorge, where Mire Stopped Play, so we ambled back a way then went down to the Taw where it was possible to walk without waders!

Did I mention all the sunshine?

Belstone Tor

Looking south from Oke Tor

Lovely Granite.
Oh, and [L - R]; the Wilhay, Yes Tor [background],
East and West Mill Tors [foreground]

It wasn't all wonderful weather, as we were high above a sea of mistyfog..

Mistyfog giving a taste of sea level rise to come...

[[It's not politics, it's fact]]


Looking up the Taw plain
to Steeperton Tor

The Irishman's Wall,
High Wilhays, Yes, West Mill, Row Tors

Quartz-tourmaline veining and inclusions

The White Moor Circle

Birds were a bit thin on the ground up on t'Moor, though there were a few winter thrushes and a nice finch band in the sheltered paddocks around the village [I'll spare you the grainy shots].

Can't not have something alive, though,


Bladdy ticks...

All this warm weather means they're all still about and just as frisky. Fortunately, this one decided my rucksack was worth going after, not me. [It was evicted with extreme prejudice.]

Speaking of frisky..

Small quarry on Belstone flank.
Plus a Little Black Dog.

Yes, she had just jumped in, [there are very few bodies of water the LBD won't jump in; fast-flowing rivers are amongst them, fortunately!] but very considerately is shaking out of range of me.  We'd taken a different route up than usual, so found this - which is not on my map - which just goes to show, doesn't it.

Obligatory fungus;

This looks like an Inocybe,
[like I. margaritispora], but is on moorland, so
perhaps a pale Lilac Pinkgill??

Classic tractor

And another

Never know what you're going to find.

Crescent Moon high over Wild and Steeperton Tors

Good day.

Be Seeing You...

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