08 January, 2020

Shameless Yearticking. Interlude; Seaducks? See Dolphins!

After my Scaup dip*, I rallied to head down to look for scoter [and maybe even more] sheltering from the NW wind by the Buoy farm.

Time was getting on a bit, but I burnt off some excess energy [blubber and vexation] by yomping down with the big scope over my shoulder.

It still hasn't forgiven me [the shoulder, that is; the scope is a git no matter how I carry it].

I saw 4 scoter - yes, just 4 [look to past posts] - but while three were clear female type Commons, one was markedly darker and dishyer of face profile.. But would it wingflap for me? [The light wasn't nice for a closed wing view at that range, even with the scope].

It did dive, though, and that's not the closed wing jump dive of a Common! Then a wingflap, too; Velvet! Probably a 2cy, but maybe a female [ an adult male would've caught the light with the yellow on the bill at the viewing angle].
No pictures that aren't awful blobs, due to range and light. At least, not of sucks...

As while I was scanning for anything else, I found something. Some things..



Big ones!

That's a big one for a Common.. Because it isn't! These are Bottlenose [yes, I got much better views through the scope]. At least 4 plus a fairly well grown calf. Woo! They hunted close to the surface for a while - attracting Gannets - then moved [inshore of Buoy Farm] into the Bay.

Then it got even better, as about 1km further out and going the other way were,

Common Dolphin!

At least 11, heading north / north east

Not close views

And no, I still didn't find a Red-throated Diver...

Nice view, though.

Ok, it's a nice view between the trees!

Be Seeing You...

[[* The Decoy one. Ach, that I have to specify which..!!]]

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