24 April, 2021

Sploosh! Went The Pog

Time off from getting stuff done on Sunday was well spent; out with the Folks on t'Moor! We went for an amble about Emsworthy, and while Cuckoos were notable by their absence, we did eventually connect with migrants other than the plethora of Willow Warblers.

Before that, the Little Black Dog got a surprise, as what she thought was a shallow patch of water by one of the boardwalks turned out to be deeper than she was: Sploosh! Swimming pog... 
We had some fun fishing her out, as she's not a penguin and can't jump from a swim. Poor thing.  
[You can see the grin, can't you?] 
Still, it gave the benefits of a free bath [without wrecked bathroom] and teaching her to stay on the boardwalks [very helpful with the muddy bits encountered later on!]

Much of the ground was very dry - unsurprising, seeing as we've had little or no rain for an age - so it was unexpected to find the wet bits so wet.  Go Dartmoor bogs!

Hamel Down and Honeybags Tors in the distance

Migrants included lots of Mipits in mobile groups;

On wall

On Bracken

On Hawthorn

Flying about Mipits proved harder to photo, as did the 2 Wheatear that came over late on. Oh well.

Wandering about looking for birds is all well and good, but I find you often do better sitting and waiting for them to come to you. Like the 3 Marsh Tits that passed by as we were scoffing flapjacks, or indeed this little chap;


He even had a sing for us as we admired the view from the memorial log.  :)

Also of note;

Chaffinch with bling
[can't make any of it out]

It was a very enjoyable time for all. Especially Tilbury - though winding up looking like Gnasher from her surprise bath - who really didn't want to leave. [She's been quite bereft of moorland escapades, what with the dratted virus..]

Is it wrong to wonder about corners turned?

Be Seeing You...

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