21 January, 2019

Meanwhile, On The Patch...

Because that's as far as I got this weekend, due to being an infirm old git suffering a niggling injury stuff happening, I only got out about the Patch yesterday and won't be off yomping until further notice, and probably not a lot of that. Hmph.

Anyway, there's always stuff happening out the window, sometimes very close out the window.

"I got the feeling, somebody's watching me.."

Fluffy piranhas!
[Three of seven] 


The birds have been feeling very mobile, and often showing exquisite timing, like the GSW which landed on the railing while I was stood with my back turned, so of course when I turned around off it went..

Others notable but not so visible. Last night, while looking for the lunar eclipse, I had three male and two female Tawny Owl calling at once.. And there may have been as many as seven birds present [gaps in listening due to traffic - tut - meant that birds starting up in new places could have been prior callers who could fly very fast!]

As for that Blood Moon..

8 oktars. Typical.

Getting back to matters terrestrial [ish], some birds have sat still for longer, though obviously not as close;

Song Thrush
Doing what it says on the tin

Sometimes a Blackbird will shut up and pose.


Another Dunnock

Spadger Silhouette

Slightly sharper LTT

Trees do have fingertips...

Buzzin' the Moon

Meanwhile, the year is certainly turning, and the longer days are having an effect. Behold a few flowers from hereabouts;





[in January!]

Birdsfoot Trefoil!

Wild Clary!

Some expected, some not so much. Interesting times and all that.

Not so easy to get on camera was the lovely pod of Common Dolphins - at least 19 including 3 calves - which were working north  off the Nose. The scoter still hanging about the Buoy Farm were slightly easier to get on camera, picked out by the sunset, but, well...

Yep, blobs again.


That sunset, though. Here's something purdy for you to end with;

Fire in the sky


The Flaming Arch

And on that note, I shall

Be Seeing You...

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