09 January, 2019

Out For A Jolly. 1; Lots Of Scenery

Note: Increasingly-delayed due to a variety of factors, usual apologies etc. etc.

So I went for an amble up on t'Moor.

The weather was in one of those moods - you know the kind which illustrates why you always take the kit with you - and so it got interesting.

I saw very few birds, but hey, it isn't all about birds. Though a grouse or three wouldn't have gone amiss and I did quite deliberately head to places good for them. Oh well, what can you do and so on, eh?

There were nice climbs, watercourses to ford [and the odd bridge, too], and bogs to hop, so it was a proper 10 miler, despite the tracks that featured fairly heavily.

Right, pictures;

Nice View

..Well, while it lasted.

Heath Waxcap

No, not from the Nose again, this is more like 'proper' habitat. And hey, something you could see. Did I mention it was a bit windy, too?

The Wilhay

Normally, there'd be a lovely panorama in the background. Also I'd be more upright...


After an entertaining trip through the fog, I stopped off in the lee of Dinger Tor [love that name] for lunch, just as the Sun re-appeared. Though not for long.

The mistyfog rolled back in
 like a damp pyroclastic current...

It was quite impressive, if a little annoying for someone hoping for winter Moorland spp....

Make do; what can you find close to?

I think this is
Conocybe tenera

Yellowleg Bonnet

It wasn't birdless, of course - though only seeming that way at times - and there's always the element of surprise;


Met at close range high on the Black-a-ven Brook. Not sure who was more surprised. Grey Herons get everywhere, don'tcha know..

Black-a-ven Bridge

It's that Deceiver again

A good year for
Egghead Mottlegill

Eventually the mistyfog got bored and wandered off...
The view back from Rowtor

Anyway, it was a nice walk when I could see were I was going, and properly atmospheric - even if it never reached proper 40' bowl levels of fog - when I couldn't.

Be Seeing You...

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