04 January, 2019

Patching Near And Far. Part 3, Keeping An Eye Out

In which I beat more Bounds, cover even more miles with a lot more hills, and get surprise year ticks and not get a full Patch Tick.

It is of note that the first picture in a post is the one put up in those little link things, so my title reflects a shot I got, rather than the awful pun I'd usually use. And I am rather happy with it;

Mr. Sprawk

 Who says pounding miles of streets never gives reward? The least conspicuous of the Patch's resident raptors, seeing one not in motion - let alone willing to pose for a picture at something like reasonable range - is a rare thing.

Having finally gotten around to going for that Patch Yearlist meant chasing species I'd failed to see and that meant getting into my pet bit of 'ponds' [technically, anyway], woods, farmland and so on. Somewhere that I've been going to since I was yeah high to a Doodleybug.

On the way, I had another look at the north Bay. 

Scenic weather we're having

Too scenic for there to be anything much not powered by engines, though...

Anyway again, here we go, let's find some nice proper mud. 'Mud', it's brown and muddy, right? Not here. Devonshire Red, they call it, but it's not red, it is resoundingly amazingly orange. It also stains like oops! turmeric...

How to get through water meadows of the stuff? Well, the tcct are occasionally sensible;

Don't step off, 
you'll never be seen again

Moorhens, showing well

The above being the best thing on the Ponds; I had hoped for a Coot [very rare visitor], seeing as they have been working on water quality, but no.

Onwards through woods and past vast numbers of assorted mundanes, before hitting the far farmland for, well, farmland spp.


No, not that!

Rooks inna Tree

Aren't they brilliant? I love Rooks in trees.

You can tell a lot about people
depending on their reaction to this

Not everything I looked for, or indeed found, felt like posing, so here's something pretty that did


As I've said before, I'm going to stick all the fungi on Patch into one big post, but here's a taster

Oak Mazegill

This pretty much sums up
what I dislike about tcct*

Someone thinks it's Spring..?

View from Corbyn's Head

Had another look at the sea on the way home..

Bad pic of Good gull

Good pic of...

::Consults check list::
::Makes tick::

Right, next.

Be Seeing You...

[[*I could attach a long rant, but there's that saying about pictures]]

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